Scottish Nov 2024


Regional Contact member – Melanie Harper

I started the last report by saying rams will be out and working, by the time you read this the rams will be finished for the year and hopefully all your ewes will be in lamb. My rams went out a week later this time and again most of the ewes will lamb within a week of each other; Big L will lead the way again, but my shearling ewes have been slower to mark and will lamb after the main ewes. Mineral drench and mineral buckets again the only thing I give my females before they meet the ram. Shall see what my scanner man sees, always a nervous time.

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Jack Elliott’s champion shearling ewe at Grantown Show with the judge, Scott Dalrymple

The Scottish sale was very successful. Many thanks to Kay Carpenter from the Central Region for accepting our invitation to judge, some huge classes for Kay to judge but on the day her champion came from the Trumper family, a very smart shearling ram which took her eye with another Welsh breeder taking the reserve place, a well grown ram lamb from the Hope Flock. The prices were up and down but that is the trend this year. It’s fantastic to see our sale growing and getting better and better each year. Our inspection team I am sure see a difference in the quality of sheep and there are so few now fail inspections, credit to our breeders and knowledge of the breed coming through. There will be a full report of the show and sale in this Journal. Thanks to our Scottish members who kindly sponsored the classes, and thanks to Crystalyx and Life-Guard for their generous gifts. We have secured another sponsor for our sale as Aytin Shears are keen to come on board so we look forward to seeing them in 2025. Thanks must also go to Robert Locker and Scott Dalrymple who are always at the end of a message if I need any assistance or information. We can confirm the 2025 judge will be Scott Dalrymple, I am waiting to hear a confirmed date for our sale but certain it will be start of August. I will keep everyone posted.

Our National Show 2025 should have been at The Border Union, Kelso, but this would clash with the Central Region sale at Worcester, so after a discussion with the Scottish committee we decided to approach Dalkeith Show, and as I write this I’m still waiting on confirmation that they are happy to accommodate our National Show. The general feeling is yes but we just need it confirmed. Once we have confirmation I will approach our chosen judge, the vote for the judge was also another committee choice.

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At Nairn Show Jennifer Milton’s ewe was champion and Ian Forsyth’s ewe lamb reserve. The judge was Ewen MacMillan

We held our AGM at Huntly Auction Mart, Sunday 8th September. We had a lengthy discussion about the long-awaited Scottish AGM Weekend where a fantastic Scottish welcome awaits you all. Whether you fly, drive, or go by train your journey north will be a stunning one. When I was there, I travelled further up the road to see the hotel, it looks beautiful and the staff very confident they can accommodate our needs. The northern Scottish members have organised an entertaining weekend full of sheep, trains, crafts, games, and whiskey along with a lot of laughter. Thanks to Barbara Webster who is always on hand to help me. You will find the booking forms in this Journal.

Looking ahead to the end of 2024/2025 the committee will head over the Border to visit a few northern flocks of Jacobs and we plan to visit some Dutch Spotted too (ex-Jacob breeder who has opted for black and white just minus the horns now), hopefully photos in the next journal.

We would like to have a flock competition autumn 2025 – we have yet to confirm that date, but judges have been approached and we will get details out to Scottish members as soon as I can confirm dates. We would like to have an open day/judge’s seminar too – watch out for more details.

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Robert Locker’s champion and reserve sheep at the Border Union Show

We have not forgotten about our new breed promotion stand but we are just trying to get the best pictures for this as the picture used will be blown up on the stand we need good quality photos that will withstand that editing. Watch this space.

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At Keith Show Ian Forsyth’s shearling ewe was champion and Allan Scott’s tup lamb reserve. The judge was Mike Munro.

On that note Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all, good luck in your lambing sheds and I cannot wait to see the first lamb pictures.

Many thanks to the Scottish Committee for their support over the last year without you we would not be surging ahead and pushing the breed on.

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Melanie Harper’s first prize Jacob pair at the Border Union Show

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At the Black Isle Show Linda McKendrick’s shearling ewe was champion and Barbara Webster’s tup lamb reserve. The judge was Jennifer Milton.

Posted in Scotland.