Technical Information & Downloads

The following technical information is provided and updated by the Field Officer for use by members.


  • The JSS guide 'An Introduction to Jacob Sheep' can be found here
  • Inspection Rules for Society Shows & Sales click here
  • Guide to EID Identification can be found here

Flock Competitions


The Pat Bromley Trophy

This is a trophy to be awarded to the ' Young Person of the Year' and to be presented at the Society AGM. Nominations for this award are invited from any Society member and the form should be downloaded below.
It will be awarded to the young person under the age of 25 who has given help in any way to improve the running of the Society. It is particularly emphasised that success in the show ring does not merit a nomination. 

Membership Of the Jacob Sheep Society


Registration Form

Judges Panel


Board Information


Miscellaneous Forms


The Jacob Sheep Society offers a wealth of helpful documents for its members, all conveniently accessible online. While we strive to provide the best possible guidance, please remember that this information is intended for general advice only. Always ensure you are up-to-date with current legislation, and don't hesitate to reach out to your regional contact member or consult your veterinarian for specific advice tailored to your situation.