Welcome to the news page for the Northern Region, which includes the counties of North, South, East and West Yorkshire, Lancashire, Northumberland, Cleveland and Cumbria.
Northern Nov 2024
Regional Contact Member – Emma Chester
Part of Andrew Barker’s Tancred flock in North Yorkshire
Since taking on the RCM role for the Northern area, I’m loving speaking to, connecting with and meeting members (including longstanding and new members) at various shows and events. After taking on the role, I’m keen to get specific events set up throughout out the year for JSS members. I wanted to take the time to put this out in the Journal to gauge what ideas, suggestions or recommendations individuals have on what they would like to see the Society offer. This could be things to improve shepherding skills, livestock husbandry, stock selection, nutrition, show preparation and show etiquette, or more focus on the Jacob fleece and raw wool. These are just some examples. I encourage members to contact me with your thoughts and what you’d like to see in the calendar going forward. This echoes a poll I did via social media on our Northern Facebook page (please follow if you don’t) but for any of those who have not seen it, this is an opportunity to extend this communication. Events we are looking to organise in 2025;
– Trimming demonstrations
– Flock open day
– Region flock competitions
– Show preparation and stock selection
– Annual regional meetings
– Wool/ fleece workshops
The Knowles family’s ewe, champion at the Royal Lancashire Show
Please think outside the box too. If there is another area you’d like to focus on that hasn’t been thought about I’m keen to hear. Maybe even things around the mental health side of livestock husbandry, rearing and management, maybe a community focus at say lambing time, for example, when we can all feel the seasonal stresses and pressure. I look forward to hearing from you all. Please contact me via our email; or any other medium, drop me a message.
Emma Chester’s shearling ewe, champion at Ripley Show
By the this goes out, the Northern area will have had held their annual AGM where hopefully we can start the ball rolling on these ideas. Anyone who couldn’t make that, this is a time to add your input as I’m keen to hear from you all.
Kevin Gaskell’s champion shearling ewe and the Haworth family’s reserve champion ewe at Gargrave Show with the judge, Richard Chapman
George Fell’s champion ewe and Clive Richardson’s reserve champion ram at Cartmel Show with the judge, Stephen Harrison
Howard Walsh’s granddaughters helping to get his sheep ready for showing at Wensleydale Show
Northern Aug 2024
Regional Contact Member – Emma Chester
The Great Yorkshire Show may not have been blessed with good weather but the entries were excellent for judge, Lesley Partridge, and congratulations to Ridout and Higginson for their champion shearling ewe and Ryan Edwards for his reserve champion shearling ram. An excellent after-show party was organised by Wendy Atkinson, Freda Fozzard and Sheila Wood with further contributions from members.
Looking forward, the Skipton Show and Sale will be held at the end of August and I hope to seeing many of you there.
Having recently taken over as the new Regional Contact member for the Northern Region, I am keen to hear from you regarding yourself and your flock. Please get in touch through whichever medium you like (even if I know you, I’d still love to hear and share your stories). It would be great to have your ideas for events/collaboration in the Northern Region – what would you like to see? I am setting up a committee and am looking for a range of members to join me. You can contact me via: email, Facebook, WhatsApp or even a letter. My mobile number is 07702104033 or email
John and Wendy Atkinson with their group of three at Otley Show
Betty Palmer’s great-granddaughter, Esmae Buckle, reading the Jacob Journal