Welcome to the News page for the Central Region, which includes the counties of Staffordshire,
Warwickshire, Herefordshire, Cheshire, Gloucestershire, Shropshire, Derbyshire and Worcestershire.
Regional Contact Member
Kay Carpenter
I am available to help any of our members and if anyone wishing to join would like to know more about the breed or has any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on 07771 511445 or
Central Region Wool Workshop Day
Sunday 18 th May 2025 – 10.00am
To ensure attendance please reply by Friday 9 th May 2025 at the latest
although the cut off will be after the first 20 have confirmed
To be held at the Lickhill Flock, hosted by Kay Carpenter at Woodgreen Farm
Lickhill Road North, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire, DY13 8RW
Workshop run by Barley Gould, Member Number 04728
This is a workshop aimed at the complete beginner who would like to take home a finished product. This is to be a fun day to learn the basics so you can go on to make your felted projects or say never again, knowing you have given it your best shot !
We have 2 different things to make; a wall hanging or a small bag. There may even be time for both!
It would be great if people could bring a picture of a sheep from their own flock. It would need to be A4 in black and white, for the wall hanging and a couple of handfuls of wool (500g). Preferably using some of the wool from your own flock, but please contact Kay if this is not possible as she can provide some, given notice.
We will be working in Jacob wool, but it is optional as to whether it is washed and carded prior to the day. Trimmings and finishings will be supplied. It’s a wet process so please bring an apron and washing-up gloves. Due to felting needles, it is unsuitable for the under 12’s.
We can cater for a maximum of 20 people.
Programme for the Day:
10 am Introduction and demonstration on how wool felting works.
10.30 am Split into 2 groups depending on the first choice of which item to make - Wet felt bag or wall hanging.
12.30 pm Break for lunch. Please bring a packed lunch - snacks and hot drinks will be provided.
1.00 pm Continue felting
2.30 pm Finishing up, tea/ coffee and Q&A
3.30 pm Estimated packing up time.
To book your places or if you would like further information, please contact Kay Carpenter – 07771 5511445 – Email
Or click here to download the flyer and attendance form.
Central Posts
Central Nov 2024
Regional Contact Member – Kay Carpenter
A huge thank you to all the vendors, buyers and bidders at this year’s Worcester sale. There were sheep present to suit all requirements, from stores to flock animals to show winners. The old adage “good sheep sell well” was definitely true. Congratulations to Tom Lewis for achieving the top price of 1,100gns with his home bred ram lamb, Salopearl Charlie, and also to Ryan Edwards with his homebred shearling ram, Wharf Goldeneye, selling for 1,000gns. Both lots were used to the show ring and had successfully promoted the breed by competing and winning their classes around the country. Salopearl Charlie had won his class at the English National and was male champion at the Shropshire County Show, while Wharf Goldeneye had won his class at The Royal Highland and was reserve overall at The Great Yorkshire Show.
Other show winners from this year’s season came from Millvale flock breeders, Bob and Paula Bramley, who sold their shearling ewe for 650gns, and Lorna’s Hendeys’ & Jerry Strong’s Elmley ram lamb at 580gns. Other notable sales were Robert & Jean Prices’ sale champion ewe lamb at 1,000gns, Bertie Stanley’s male reserve champion shearling ram at 780gns, and the two four-horn ram lambs brought up to Worcester by our judge on the day, Wyn Harries, which sold at 700gns and 660gns.
Store lambs were sold at the beginning of the sale and were well received by multiple bidders.
Many thanks to our sponsors JG Animal Health, Pard House Jacobs & Shelsley Belted Galloways. Hillvalley Jacobs, Animac and Estate Country Feeds. Please contact me if you know anyone who would like to sponsor classes at next year’s sale which will be held on Saturday 26th July.
Breeding ewe assessment, stock judging and young handlers workshop:
Forty members gathered at Lickhill to take part in our September workshops. It is always good to meet and share ideas and this was no exception. Thanks go to Lesley Partridge for leading the ewe assessment discussion, to John Wescott of Farmers Fresh for leading the stock judging, and to the young handler team, Hayley and Abbie Higginson along with Jackie Jones, for judging and giving great feedback.
Prize winning young handlers in the stock judging class, judged by John Wescott, director of Farmers Fresh.
Left to right: George Sandall, Amber Garratt, George Lane , Olivia Chivers, Josh Chivers, and John Wescott.
Sheep penned for judging at the Lickhill workshops
Jackie Jones judging a young handler class
Autumn Open Day & AGM at Chatsworth:
The region’s autumn open day and AGM was held this year to the north of the region at the Chatsworth flock in Derbyshire. It was a very popular and successful event with members being given a tour of the flock by Izzy Cowan, the Jacob shepherdess at Chatsworth, against the stunning backdrop of the Chatsworth Estate. Ewe numbers have dwindled at Chatsworth in the last few years but now under Izzy’s new management that is set to change. She is keen to improve the flock and increase their profile. Izzy has recently bought in a new ram, Fettlemead Tucker, and started showing in the new Jacob classes at the local Bakewell Show for the first time this year.
Izzy Cowan, the Jacob shepherdess at Chatsworth, tells members something about the flock
Members looking around the livestock pens at the Chatsworth Farm
Fettlemead Tucker who won 2nd prize at Bakewell Show this year
The day included a judges’ seminar led by Clive Richardson and a very educational presentation of how to carry out your own faecal egg count (FEC) given by Terry and Berni Barker. This is possibly the simplest but most effective way to improve the health of your flock and could also be a financial saving too.
We also celebrated the Central region Young Shepherds of 2024. It’s wonderful to see so many young handlers in the region and know we are in safe hands moving forward.
Results for 2024:
Senior class (15-18 years)
1st Amber Garratt – overall Champion
2nd Oliver Garratt – overall Reserve Champion
3rd Isobel Cartwright
4th Olivia Chivers
5th Jack Parnell
Intermediate class (9-13 years)
1st Joshua Chivers
2nd George Lane
3rd Bertie Stanley
4th Charlotte Tatler
Junior class (8 years and under)
1st Iona Stanley
2nd Willow Bramley
3rd Charlie Parnell
Huge thanks to Hayley Higginson for collating the points accrued from showing over the last twelve months, for organising and providing prizes, and for being so supportive of our young shepherds. If you know a young handler and want more information about the Society please feel free to get in touch.
Hayley Higginson and Pat Black present the young handler prizes to Amber Garrett (left) and Iona Stanley (right)
Future Events:
Please get in touch if you would like to host an event for the central region at your holding. The usual timing for open days is one in the spring and one in the autumn. I’m happy to organise the day but require venues if any are available please.
I have just learnt that the English Winter Fair, usually held at Staffordshire County Showground mid-November, has been cancelled due to the incidence of Bluetongue. Whilst it is very unfortunate to not have the chance to show and try to repeat the great turnout of Jacobs we had there last year, it is the most sensible thing to do. I hope that this disease does not darken your door and you have a safe and prosperous lambing.
The final six pairs pulled forward in the Jacob class at the English Winter Fair in 2023
Members will be sorry to hear of the death of Richard Blacknell who, although not a member, accompanied his wife, Jean, while she was Field Officer to many shows and events. Our condolences to their family.
This just leaves me to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope to see members at our Christmas meal social in December, details yet to be confirmed, but please get in touch if you wish to join us. A Happy New Year and a successful lambing season.
Ryan Edwards’ champion aged ewe and Alan and Jane Nightingale’s reserve champion shearling ewe at Burwarton Show with the judge, Lyndon Trumper
At Moreton in Marsh Show Jerry Strong and Lorna Hendey’s ewe lamb was champion
David and Lesley Partridge’s ewe was reserve champion at Moreton in Marsh Show
Central Aug 2024
Regional Contact Member – Kay Carpenter
Open day at the Spottywood flock:
The open day at John and Rachel Richardson’s Spottywood flock in Cheshire was well attended, with members joining us from the Northern and Welsh regions. Our thanks to John and Rachel who were very welcoming and generous hosts. Following a great deal of rain in the days before we were lucky to have dry sunny weather and to enjoy a tour of the flock and a hog roast lunch preceded by a very interesting talk from Jennie from Cheshire Farm Vets on diseases, prevention of strike and preparation for an early lambing. Richard kindly allowed us to go over his pens of shearlings, ram lambs and ewe lambs and I don’t think there was a person present who didn’t have a go to match the judge’s placing. Well done to everyone for joining in but special congratulations go to Rachel Knowles for winning the competition and prising Richard’s bottle of gin off him.
Lesley Partridge’s champion ewe lamb and Bernie Barker’s reserve champion lamb at Hanbury Country Fair with the judge, Wyn Harries
Many shows have been running in the region and showing has again become extremely popular. We have tried to arrange support for classes that have had a lack of entries but this proves difficult on occasion when there are shows on in the same week or even the same day in the same area, but this is out of our control unfortunately.
Please send in any show results with three or more exhibitors from the region to Jane Nightingale who has kindly agreed to collate them all and forward them to our Journal editor for inclusion in the Journal.
Central Region Show & Sale, Saturday 27th July
This years’ official Society show and sale at Worcester is set to have a great turnout of sheep across all classes. At the time of writing, we are in the process of putting the catalogue together. However, by the time you receive this I hope you are home and happily settling in your new purchases. We are grateful to judge, Wyn Harries, inspectors, Scott Dalrymple and Marie Connor and adjudicator, Jean Simmons for all the work they do to ensure it goes smoothly. Also, many thanks to our sponsors JG Animal Health, Pard House Jacob’s & Shelsley Belties, Hillvalley Jacobs, Animac and Estate Country Feeds.
Ridout & Higginson’s champion ewe, bred by Steffan Griffiths, at Shropshire County Show with the judge, Robert Locker
Forthcoming Events
Sunday September 22nd – Stock Assessment Day (to include Young Shepherds Stock Judging)
Venue: Lickhill Flock, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcs DY13 8RW
The day, open to all members, will include workshops on how to assess conformation and the finish of live lambs to go to market and selecting ewes for breeding and for showing.
The event will include a young shepherd stock judging competition, whereby competitors will judge a pen of 4 lambs, place the group of 4 in order of merit and give reasons for those placings in a short, 2 to 3-minute verbal presentation to the judge. However, everyone attending will be encouraged to have a go at the placings, just for fun. Everyone will be encouraged to use the EUROP 1-5 classification that will be discussed in the workshops.
Anyone interested in the event should contact me at , on 07771 511445 or message on social media.
Jane Nightingale with her champion ram at Ashby Show
Sunday 13th October – Autumn Open Day and AGM at Chatsworth Flock
Venue: Chatsworth House Chatsworth, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1PP
Ewes and lambs from the historic Chatsworth Jacob flock (member number 00240) have relocated from the estate farm to the paddocks in the farmyard in an area opened to visitors. Jacob sheep have a long association with Chatsworth, stretching back over 250 years of grazing the estate’s parkland.
The farmyard at Chatsworth has a variety of animals including cows, sheep and lambs, pigs, horses, goats and poultry, as well as a milking parlour for demonstrations. Since opening, they have developed a breeding programme for rare and sometimes critically endangered breeds. In 2021, Chatsworth farmyard was awarded Rare Breeds Survival Trust accreditation, recognising their important contribution to the conservation of some of the rarest livestock and equine breeds native to the UK, from Suffolk Punch horses and Shire horses to British Landrace pigs and Eriskay ponies.
We have kindly been invited to hold our Autumn open day and AGM by Izzy Cowan, the Jacob shepherdess at Chatsworth. We shall discuss the intricacies of four horners, as well as any discussion on both 2 horn and 4 horn Jacobs with Clive Richardson, our field officer. Clive will also be holding a judges seminar on the day.
Members, Terry and Bernie Barker, who are currently carrying out their own faecal egg count (FEC) will give a demonstration on how to go about the process….. after we’ve eaten!
Again, anyone interested in the event look out for the open day flyer in your emails or you could contact me at , on 07771 511445 or message on social media.
To contact Kay please email: or Tel 07771 511445
Ridout & Higginson’s champion ewe and Tori Stanley with her reserve champion aged ram at Staffordshire County Show with the judge, Margie Rushbrooke